I don't like titles....have you noticed that? Even when I wrote my papers in college, I always forgot to title them. I got them back with a big red circle on the top and the word "TITLE?" out to the side. Not that I am anti-title, just that I usually think of what I want to say first, and I jump right into it...and then forget the title. Since there are no grades here, and it's my blog and I can do what I want, I may keep this no-title thing going. Think of the pressure that relieves! I don't have to think of something that grabs you and says, "THIS...This you will love to read." instead, I'll just start, and you can decide to keep reading yourselves. How liberating for you! Cut out the middle man. I deliver fresh blog posts, organic, no preservatives, no titles. Just pure blog, for your pure enjoyment. You're Welcome.
I have been busy, busy, busy..... I really feel like I am getting my first breath since Thanksgiving. My parents came for thanksgiving. I made 5 christmas presents from scratch for my sister and her family. (My sewing machine broke half way through. I had to borrow one.) I didn't start my Christmas shopping until the 17th. calvin's birthday was the 21st. (I went birthday shopping on the 20th) We had Christmas, got the tree down, celebrated New Year's, then my oldest sister, Sarah came out for a visit. Three days later, my in-laws came into town, and my parents and brother and sister-in-law came the next day. Our friamily (you know, a cross between friends and family?) the Burch's came the day after that. So, all told, we had 16 people in our house this weekend. Whew!
Why the fuss?
It was Dev's eighth birthday. In our religion (go to LDS.org to learn more) we believe that at age 8 a child has reached the age of acountability and is old enough to be baptized if she chooses. Dev chose this for herself, so everyone came out to support her. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. And it was so fun to have a large portion of my favorite people all under one roof.
Now that it's over, and we are left with mountains of sheets and pillow cases to wash, and leftovers to eat our way through, I've decided that I really like having company. How wonderful it is to have a house full of people--games being played here, movies watched there, good food in the kitchen, laughing till my sides ache, and staying up until I can't keep my eyes open. I can't wait for the next one. Is there anything better than a house full of people you love? I don't think so.
Now that it's all over, my sights are turning more to projects that I've been waiting to get to. I don't want to fill you with empty promises, but I want to share what I do on my blog. Just don't expect it any time soon. I'm going to be napping and cleaning for awhile first.
Spring Lesson Plans For Preschoolers!
3 days ago
1 comment:
Man, I wish I could have gone! I missed all the fun! Tell Dylann we say congratulations. We've been thinking of her lately. Oh, and I'll try to remember to send you pictures of our awesome Christmas presents...if I can find all the pieces. Love you!
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