My sister, Sarah, tagged me in a get to know you game chain. Bless her little heart.
I'm actually glad that she did. I never pass up any opportunity to talk about myself. (and, really, I love to read what other people write about themselves too, which is probably why the bloggy world is such a good fit for me.) So, first I will answer the questions she gave me. Then I will post 8 questions of my own and tag some of you loyal readers to answer them. Post them in your blog, make up 8 questions and tag 8 more people. We'll all be connected in a great big question asking circle (Are you singing "We are the World" in your head right now? 'cause I am.)
here goes (Sarah's questions for me):
1. What specifically has made you feel happy today?
hmm...that's a toughy. Not because there isn't anything to make me happy today, but because there are a lot of things. I am visiting my mom and dad today. That's always happy. My mom is doing a lot better (she's recovering from cancer) and that is a very happy thing.
Today, Bogey unleashed all his love on me, hugging me tight and bestowing kisses all over my face while saying, "I'm so glad you're home! You missed me!" (he means, HE missed ME...I think). I also got to watch one of my favorite old movies that I haven't seen in a long time. I got to walk outside barefoot in grass (believe me, this was heaven), and I got to eat three raspberries straight from the vine. It's been a good day.
2. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
No contest. I am a total night owl. (it's 11:30 and I'm still up.) I seriously wait for night all day. It's the one part of the day when I can sit with a bowl of ice cream and not have to get three more bowls for little people (or clean up the spills, or dissolve the fights when "he has more than me," or "she's trying to take my spoon" or whatever.) It's the part of the day when I am one with the computer, or the sewing machine, or that new book...just me and the hobbies. ooh, it's a delicious love affair. And also, if you try to talk to me in the morning, I won't be very nice to you.
3. if you have freetime, what would you spend that time doing?
First of all, I try really hard to carve out some free time for myself everyday. I really believe it's important for my mental health. So during my free time, varies. It depends on what I feel like doing. That, and I am such a sucker for re purposing and finding crafts that are useful that I have a looong list of things I want to do. I like to sew, although I don't know how to sew clothes. I like to sew bags, and quilts, and toys. I also really like rug making. I know a few forms of rug making that are really fun and relaxing. I love tinkering with my dehydrator, or canning food from my garden. Heck, anything that has to do with my garden is fun. I also love to write. I've kept a journal my whole life, and I still write in in regularly. I'm also spending some freetime retyping all my old hand written journals onto the computer so I can save them on a flash drive. I'm writing a piece of fiction. (it's only taken 10 years so far) I love to read. I love to teach my kids. I like to do genealogy. oh, and I like Survivor and The Biggest Loser (but don't tell me anything about the new seasons! I haven't started watching them yet!) There's more, but I'm starting to think I should be doing those things instead of this post, so I'll move on,
4. What is your favorite breakfast?
Just Breakfast is my favorite. Name some breakfast foods...I like them. Pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, french toast, om lets, eggs (0ver easy), toast, juice, bagels, those breakfast casserole things,'s all good.
But i will add that, since I'm not a morning person (see #2), it takes me a long time to wake up enough to want food. I usually don't eat breakfast until around 9:00.
5. You are alone in the house. no one is watching. You are listening to your favorite music. What kind of music is it? Are you singing along? Are you dancing? Remember no one is watching.
ok, first of all, Miss Sarah, this is three questions. So, it breaks the rules. Second of all, I don't know how anyone can listen to their favorite music alone in a quiet house and not sing along. I sing along even when I'm not alone in the house. I can't help it. Dancing, though? I don't know that I am dancing so much as allowing myself to pretend I'm on stage, giving a magnificent performance. It's more about arm movement and facial expression for me. oh, and I don't like the "what's your favorite music" question, because I can't answer it. I love a wide spectrum of music, and what I choose to listen to depends a lot on my mood. I love classical (piano and cello music are my absolute faves) and I love whatever it is they call it these days on the radio, the ones with a beat that actually sing and not scream. Those guys, I like songs like that. I also love the hymns and other church music (love to crank up MoTab), so, yeah, it's subjective.
6. What have you never tried but really want to?
there are lots of things. Not all of them exciting. For years, I have longed to play the cello. We are just not in a financial position to fund it yet. The hubby and I also think it'd be great to homestead. I'd love to go back to school and get my Doctorate in English and Literature. I think it'd be fun to tap dance, and para sail, and hang glide and skydive, and be in a play, and have a solo, and maybe work on a movie set, and learn to sculpt, and paint. It'd be fun to go on an archaeological dig. or fly in a private jet, or touch a stingray, or a dolphin. It'd be great to fly, or draw charachatures (I know that's spelled wrong.), or juggle bowling balls. The list goes on and on, really.
7. Do you have a favorite holiday? if so, what is it and why?
I love whatever holiday is coming next. in this case, it's Halloween. Although, the whole fall season is a holiday for me, and it truly is one of my favorites. I love the warm, rich colors of fall, and the smell in the air of cooler days. I love to decorate my house with reminders of gratitude all around, and I love the projects that come with it (Halloween costumes, Thanksgiving trees, place settings, etc.) I love fall. But I also love Christmas and birthdays and Easter and Mother's day and the fourth of July and hug your pet day.
8. What is the most recent thing that someone has done for you that made a difference in your day?
I ran into a dear old friend last Saturday night and we sat and talked until we were kicked out of the building. She wasn't anything but her usual peppy, happy self, but it did my heart a lot of good to see her so happy in her life, and to see that we have enough in common to still be friends. I felt a lot lighter after talking to her. So thanks! (you know who you are!)
ok, now it's your turn. I'm going to choose some of you to answer the questions I impose on you: (If you don't want to do it, just let me know, but you'll be labeled a party pooper. Not really. Not publicly anyway.)
1. Erin @ The Hatch Family Blog
2. Mekell@ the Family Sandwich
3. Marlene @ The Murray Clan
4. Maria @ Moser Minutes? I can't remember the exact address. (you should remind me!)
5. Eleisha @that blog address of yours that's private that I don't remember (you should also remind me!)
6. Katie @ Yo Mama
7. Amber @ And this is my Joy
8. umm, I guess that's all. I'm not too popular. It keeps me modest.
and here are my questions:
1. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? Which one?
2. If you could pick something to be famous for, what would it be? Explain.
3. Has there been a moment in your life that you feel deserves a standing ovation? what was it?
4. When you look in the mirror, what do you see first?
5. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
6. If you had to pick one book that shaped your thinking, what would it be?
7. what is your dream job?
8. if you could live anywhere, (regardless of career or family or financial things) where would it be?
I can't wait to read your responses!
**if you feel that you should have been tagged friend number 8, consider yourself tagged! Jump on in and answer these questions, then tag new friends and make up 8 questions for them to answer. It's fun. You'll like it. you'll see. Trust me.
Did I do it right, Sarah?
Spring Lesson Plans For Preschoolers!
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