I am that tomato tonight. I'm playing ketchup. (which is a little more sticky than playing dressup.)
For halloween, Dev, Calvin, and Bogey were dead set on being super heroes. And since I didn't want to stress myself out sewing super hero costumes, I was lazy and bought them at the store.

I thought for a long time about what costume to put on Iggy. After all, this was his first halloween, and he is still tiny, so I wanted it to be something cute-but also comfortable and warm for him. I finally got this idea, and he looked SO cute!

So I figured, why stop here? and I made some for me and The Hubby, too.

I also preserved all this:

Iggy was given a Name and a Blessing. (if you're lost about what that means, go here )

We stole a Christmas tradition from our friends, the Burch's (hi guys!), and had our gingerbread building contest for our Christmas Eve party.

Christmas Eve is also the night of our Christmas Pageant. This year, Mary was thrilled to have a real live baby Jesus, Joseph used his sword for a staff, the donkey was also the angel, and the narrator was also the camera man. Also, when the angel appeared to Bogey the shepard and said, "Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Bogey adlibbed, "ok, hey thanks, mr. angel. C'mon guys, lets go see this baby." *picking up a stuffed cow and a dragging a rolling squeaky puppy* Well, I thought it was funny anyway.

Christmas morning we were too busy opening presents to take pictures, but here is one of our little Jelly Bean's (Iggy aka Jelly Bean) favorite presents (mine too!)

AND, the absolute, hands-down highlight of the year (the decade, really. Second only to my wedding day), was the day I watched my best friend accomplish his goals and finish what we came here to do.

I'm not even going to fain modesty here. It was really, really hard to get through school. He couldn't have done it without me (nor I without him). We worked together, sacrificed, worried, prayed, lost sleep, argued, laughed, and cried together over this goal we've been working on. And when they called his name and handed him that diploma, I took the picture but didn't see through my tears that the camera was blurry. (we're ordering the professionals anyway). Words don't describe the relief, the happiness, the absolute sense of resolution of that moment. It was an amazing thing to be able to turn back and see the mountain we've climbed.
People have said, "when you get to the top and turn around, you'll see that it really wasn't that bad." I didn't find that to be the case. Instead, I found myself at the top, turning around to see what I've just climbed and thinking, "wow, that was really, really hard." then the revelation I wasn't expecting, "Look how much stronger I am."
And just like that, with graduation behind us, we were offered a job in Kansas. We feel it is best for our family, even though it is so far from home. That is sad, but we feel very good about it, and we're excited for the next adventure.
(Just Follow the Yellow Brick Road!)
Stay tuned!
Your kids are getting so big! I can't believe Iggy got blessed and we weren't there to celebrate it with you. :( 'Tis life.
I really love all your pictures. My favorite was the carrots in love because I felt I could just hear you saying that. Oh you have such a nice voice.
I'm also excited that you guys chose Kansas. I know that wasn't an easy decision but I'm happy for the one you made. Even though it takes you EVEN farther away from us I was still routing for it, secretly of course, because I felt it was a GREAT decision!! So, I'm really excited for you. And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to BUY a house that is yours. Just yours. *sigh of relief
Anyway, I love you and your update.
Okay I am so excited about all these update posts I can hardly contain my comments :) :) The costumes are awesome the three superheros are pretty much the cutest thing ever. Love the gingerbread houses, Dylann you rock I always want you as my gingerbread partner. YAHOO!!! for graduation and tears of both happiness/sadness for the new job and move. Such an exciting time of life for you guys. Can't wait to continue to watch the journey. luv ya.
Great update Erin. I need to do that one of these days...
and YAY for Graduation!! Have fun in Kansas for your next adventure. You have a beautiful family.
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